Arabic Language Translation

Arabic Language Translation

Network Languages understand that in most Middle Eastern nations, the English language is commonplace; however, Arabic language translation of documents such as contracts, manuals, brochures, and financial documents demonstrates a level of professionalism and respect that will set you apart.

Picture it:  you, an English-speaking sales professional, working on-location with a Middle Eastern company, negotiating the biggest deal of your career with business managers and other corporate decision makers who speak both Arabic and English. Conversation runs smoothly in your native language. You detect no communication barrier because the people you’re working with are fluent in English.

For a moment, you believe the deal to be nearly closed. The contracts you’re discussing are attractive to both parties, and your thoughts are already turning to the many ways you’ll spend your commission.

But wait…

Just when you thought Arabic language translation was no longer a requirement – that verbal English communication was enough – Network Languages swoops in to remind you that the people with whom you’re sharing a pot of sage tea aren’t the only professionals in question. There are CEOs, partners, accountants, financial analysts, attorneys, and other individuals who will review all documents composed in relation to your big deal. Not all of them will be fluent in English; in fact, many of them may be quite confused.

That’s why Arabic language translation is essential when dealing with Middle Eastern entities. Even if you’re unsure of the necessity of Arabic translation, the ability to provide it shows a respect for the language, culture, and convenience of your clients.

Here’s a taste of how differences between Arabic and English can complicate Arabic language translation:

  • Arabic is read from right to left.
  • The Arabic language is written in a cursive style.
  • The Arabic alphabet contains 28 consonants and 8 vowels/diphthongs.
  • In Arabic, there is no differentiation between uppercase and lowercase letters.
  • Arabic words are formed by combining 3-consonant roots with set vowel patterns.
  • The rules for Arabic punctuation are much less stringent than English’s.
  • In Arabic, the adjective that modifies a noun follows the noun, rather than preceding it.
  • No modal verbs are utilised in Arabic.
  • The Arabic language uses only one present tense, whilst English has multiple.
  • There is no present perfect tense in Arabic.
  • When using relative clauses, the Arabic language requires that a pronoun be used.
  • Indefinite articles are not used in the Arabic language.

In addition to all of these written Arabic language translation difficulties (that can change to barriers if implemented incorrectly), there are very few words that act as cognates between the two languages. In some language translation scenarios, the sound of the word, or the context in which it’s used, can give clues to meaning. This is not the case in English to Arabic language translation.

The professional, mother-tongue translators at Network Languages are qualified to translate with Arabic as the source or the target language, with special consideration for your industry. Contact us here or call (+44) 1344 870700 to enquire about Arabic language translation.

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