Translate Chinese to English for Oil and Gas

Translate Chinese to English for Oil and Gas

Whilst searching for Chinese to English language translation for the oil and gas industry, you may encounter more than few roadblocks. At Network Languages, we recognize this because our language translation professionals have been working in the Chinese to English oil and gas industry for years.

We know just what it takes to create the documents, translate financial transactions, draw up legal documents with language translation, and conduct live Chinese to English interpretations. We also know just how negatively a bad translation can impact your business reputation. That’s why we’re taking the time to compile a list of criteria that oil and gas industry operatives should look for in Chinese to English language translation specialists:

  • Fluency in both Chinese and English languages: Of course, this might seem like a piece of obvious criterion, but at Network Languages we see too many situations in which “language translators” have caused big problems for their clients because they used nothing more than a language translation dictionary or free online program.
  • Fluency in the Chinese dialect used in your oil and gas negotiations and transactions: In order to gain the respect of your Chinese colleagues, clients, suppliers, and contractors in the oil and gas industry, your correspondence must speak their language…specifically and with in-depth, first-person knowledge of their specific regional dialect.
  • Experience in the oil and gas industry: A Chinese to English language translator who has no immediate experience within the oil and gas industry will not be familiar with shared jargon – much less the cultural and regional-specific oil and gas gobbledygook. By hiring a Chinese to English language translation specialist who has worked closely with oil and gas executives and operatives, you will hire a language translator who knows how to use words and principles that will earn respect for you in this highly competitive and often sensitive line of business.
  • Technical knowledge in the field of oil and gas: When you contract with a Chinese to English language translator who has first-hand knowledge regarding oil and gas exploration, engineering, rigging, drilling, work-over operations, production, completion,  and service, you will further your own good reputation within the industry.
  • Knowledge or experience in the investment branch of oil and gas: If you’re either interested or already involved in investing in oil and gas, contracting with a Chinese to English language translator who knows the intricacies of this market will help to ensure that you experience the best possible gains from every investment.

At Network Languages, we pull from a pool of more than 12,000 professional language translators. Every one of our language translation specialists is fluent in both your desired source and target languages. We ensure that the language translator we assign to your project possesses an intimate knowledge of the field in which you’re working and that he or she passes rigorous prescreening.

Call Network Languages today on (+44) 1344 870700 or email Network Languages to inquire about hiring a Chinese to English language translation specialist for your oil and gas industry project.

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