OIl and Gas, Russian to English

OIl and Gas, Russian to English

When you think of Russia, do you think of Dostoevsky, fur hats, and snow? Or do you think of oil and gas? You don’t really have to choose, because all of these things contribute to Russia’s rich texture, as any of Network Language’s Russian to English language translation experts who specialise in the oil and gas industry will tell you.

Russia is home to the world’s largest reserves of natural gas, and exports more of it than any other nation on earth. Its oil reserves are the eighth largest in the world and it’s the globe’s primary oil manufacturer. The majority of its refined oil products are exported to European nations, including English-speaking ones, making Russian to English language translation in the oil and gas industry a necessity.

No matter if your oil and gas business dealings are with Russian oil company giants like Rosneft, Lukoil, Tatneft, Surgutneftegaz, or TNK-BP; with oil pipeline owner/operator Transneft or Transnefteproduct; or with any other oil and gas industry conglomerate, your operation will encounter a need for Russian to English language translation.

Of course, anyone involved in the oil and gas industry with Russian companies can reserve the right to go cheap – to use a Russian/English dictionary or a free online Russian to English language translator…but there are certain (and by certain, we mean both specific and assured) problems that will arise.

Those problems include, but are not limited to:

  • Embarrassing grammatical and comprehension blunders: The Russian language does not use articles (a, an, the), and the English language uses articles based on the writer or speaker’s intuitive English language skills. Inexperience on either end could contribute to misunderstandings and mistakes in final written products. This makes hiring a Russian to English language translation expert who has mother-tongue fluency a requirement.
  • Naming problems: When it comes to people’s names and regional names in the Russian language, there are a number of options available to a Russian to English language translation expert. Children use their father’s first name in their own (traditionally) and geographical areas are classified as Oblasts and Okrugs, among others. A competent Russian to English language translator will assess the needs of the client, consider the market in which he or she is working, and utilise the best option – consistently throughout the document or other work.
  • Offenses related to the evolution of Russian society: As industry and technology saturate recently primitive Russia, new terms arise regularly; meaning that Russian translations this year will undoubtedly differ from last year’s Russian to English language translations. For this reason, it is important to choose a Russian to English language translator who is immersed not only in Russian culture, but in the Russian oil and gas industry.

Professional language translation isn’t a luxury; it is a necessary investment, particularly in an industry as sizeable and competitive as Russian oil and gas. Don’t risk your money or your reputation with less-than-excellent translation. Connect with Network Languages on Facebook or Twitter, email us, or call (+44) 1344 870700.

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